
The cast introduces themselves and discusses what defines Eberron as a setting, what it has to offer GMs, and what expectations players should have.

Time Markers

  1. 00:00:00 – Introductions
  2. 00:01:05 – Keith’s Background
  3. 00:02:19 – Wayne’s Background
  4. 00:03:22 – Scott’s Background
  5. 00:04:32 – Kristian’s Background
  6. 00:06:18 – Keith Wants to Do More with Eberron
  7. 00:08:12 – Origins of Manifest Zone
  8. 00:08:58 – Scope of the Show
  9. 00:09:31 – Topic: What Makes Eberron Unique
  10. 00:14:02 – The Design of Gnomes in Eberron
  11. 00:16:27 – Exploring Real World Issues with Magic as Technology
  12. 00:17:23 – Dragonmarked House, Magical Economy, and Corporate Power
  13. 00:18:53 – Eberron as a Versatile, Cross-genre Setting
  14. 00:20:22 – Keith’s ‘Lost’ Campaign Set in Lammania
  15. 00:23:56 – Eberron as a Sandbox Setting
  16. 00:28:17 – Inspiration vs. Canon and Metaplot
  17. 00:33:27 – PCs As Most Powerful Characters in the Setting
  18. 00:39:05 – What Eberron Is Not
  19. 00:42:00 – Magic as Technology
  20. 00:43:20 – Magic as Industry
  21. 00:44:02 – Dragonmarks Are about Focus Items
  22. 00:45:15 – What Is an Eberron Campaign?
  23. 00:45:37 – Setting Player Expectations
  24. 00:46:30 – Failure Can Be a Part of the Story
  25. 00:49:21 – Moving among Cross-genre Stories
  26. 00:53:57 – Fail Forward Mechanics [Beginning of Audio Glitches]
  27. 00:55:37 – The GM Is a Story Facilitator, Not the Enemy
  28. 00:58:29 – Closing

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Media TypePodcast
SourceManifest Zone Website
Date PublishedMar 17, 2017
AuthorKeith Baker

Manifest Zone

Explore the many themes and features of Eberron as a tabletop role-playing game setting. In each episode, the hosts choose a topic and discuss how GMs and players can use the setting's lore in their campaigns.2017 - 2022

Introductions(Keith Baker, Wayne Chang, Kristian Serrano, Scott W.)


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